Friday, February 29, 2008

Lost: Season 4, Epsiode 5: The Constant

"Your perception of how long your friends have been gone... It's not necessarily how long they've actually been gone."
-Daniel Faraday. (December 24, 2004)

Happy Holidays to all of the Losties out there! It's Christmas Eve on the Island... oh wait... perhaps it's not. We don't know what time it REEEEEAAAAALLLYYY is on this island which appears to be inside a Faraday Cage. You can also read all about the English chemist and physicist, Michael Faraday, his constant, his law of induction and more... but be sure you have a "constant" of your own before you begin reading or you may suffer an aneurysm like George Minkowski.

My vision of Minkowski was so wrong, and he had such a short-lived role. Was it me or did anyone else flash back to 1985's "My Science Project" when they saw that Minkowski was played by Fisher Stevens? A movie oddly enough about time travel. Maybe it's just me. Of course when I asked someone if they remembered him in that movie they said they only remembered him from "Hackers." I could get off on a tangent here on Matthew Lillard, but I won't.

There was so much revealed in this episode, yet it was so confusing to me I had to watch it twice, and it's a good thing I did because I missed a lot the first go around. For starters, I was thinking the ability to travel through time was going to be a physical occurrence, but it turns out to be more of higher state of consciousness (hang on... *clicking play on Josh Wink's "Higher State of Consciousness" because I need a little background music.* I can hear this track pumping out of Room 23 at some point). Desmond 1996 travels into the future to join us in the present (according to the show timeline), whereas George (even though it was never specified) is time jumping from the present to the past. I only assume this because he says at one point, "I just got off a Ferris wheel." This makes me think that he is going back to when he was a kid. Just think, if you could harness the power and control where you go or "jump" (uh... Ben... hello!) you could become a very powerful person: the grand supreme being of the fountain of youth.

If all of that Faraday stuff didn't give you a headache, you may be able to draw a conclusion that time maybe stands still on the island due to the magnetic field. We already know that the time is off. I was talking to someone the other day and they had a better grasp on the Faraday stuff, and had proclaimed they had solved the show. I DON'T THINK SO!!!! Not so fast. All of this certainly plays a role in grand scheme, but there is much more to it. For all we know, it could be one person who has caused everything in the present to happen they way it has. Is Jacob really a ghost or just stuck between subconscious dimensions? Maybe he jumped on too many times with out having a brain aneurysm. Does that even make sense? I'm so freaking confused.

I know I'm late on my blog this time (what's new?), so I will just stick to a small list of stuff I caught when I watched it through a second time:

1. Helicopter Coordinates = 40 Miles N @ 30.5 Degrees, Then 7 K East.

2. The storm took them off course by 1/2 degree (31 degrees)

3. The freighter was named "Kahana." I did a search for it and found the book "Kahana: How The Land Was Lost." I think it's more of a political book, but I thought the title was interesting.

4. Keamy is from Vegas, and Omar is from Florida.

5. The last known port of the freighter was Fiji, so they are still in the Souht Pacific.

6. Who's the guy on the bridge with the binoculars? Is that the Captain? And if he is, wouldn't think he would be a bit more in tune with what is happening on his ship. If some one sabotaged the communications on my ship, I would be all over it. Are they keeping secrets from him? Does Ben's "man on the boat" have something to do with it?

7. George Minkowski was the communications officer on the Kahana.

8. I wonder why they were under strict orders to never take Penny's call?

9. Set device to 2.342, ocillating at 11hz. (Daniel's experiment with Elloise). The numbers are showing back up: 2.342 - 23,42.

10. The Black Rock returns as a painting (March 22, 1845)being auctioned by Southfield's, Lot 2342 of course. Mr. Widmore, bidder #755 wins the items with a bid of $380,000. The journal was written by the the first mate (I wonder if Richard is that first mate)and previously belonged to the family of Tobar Hanso. It's contents have never been made public.

11. Just for fun, the next auction item belonged to Charles Dickens.

12. Penny's Address = 423 Cheyne Walk (Numbers again - 4,23)

13. Penny's Phone Number = 7946-0893 (I heard this was a live number for the game).

14. Penny knows about the island. How much and what does she know?

15. Desmond is Daniel's Constant. Daniel was subjected to a lot of radiation with all of his experiments. He may start to "jump" as well if he leaves the island and passes through the magnetic field or storm. He met Desmond in the past and knows where to find him if he jumps.

Sorry it took me so long to get this up. My life has been consumed by the Disney contest I am in. For those who haven't heard, I entered the Disney and Dream CMO contest to become the CMO for the Year of A Million Dreams. This is essentially an ambassador position and will get a chance to do some really cool things for others and make some Disney magic and lifetime memories. I made the Top 10 and now the vote is public. If you get a chance, please click the banner below and throw a vote (or a thousand) my way. They are letting you vote as much as you want until March 22. Please book mark the link and vote often.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lost: Season 4 - Episode 4 "Egg Town"

Now I am more interested than ever in what happens on the island between Team Jack and Team Locke. Kate ends up with little baby Aaron who looks to be maybe 2 or 3.

According to 2004 island time, they have been on the island a little over 100 days. Aaron was born November 2, 2004 on Day 42. I believe that they are in day 101 now so he would be 59 days old. What does this mean? I don't know... I've been drinking a little too much Dharma "Wine-In-Box."

Actually, I was just trying to get a handle on the timeline of Kate's flash forward. If Aaron is 2, then she would have been off the island (provided they get off soon)at least a year or maybe more. Long enough to become "one of the most recognized faces in America."

So what happens to Claire? Does she join Charlie in Davy Jones' Locker? Aaarrrggg. Or is it more of, "Because you sided with Locke you will have to stay on the island as punishment...Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to scraping Miles' brain off the back window of the Quack Shack."

We'll we learned some new things tonight. For one, Ben is someone who can do something. Yep! You read it here first... Ben can do something. This "something" is enough to have someone very powerful spend a lot of time and money looking for him. Also enough to have Miles say F-It, "just give me $3.2 million and I'll tell him you're dead." I want to know what Ben wants to know, "Why just 3.2 Million?"

What else did we learn?

1. In the fabrication that the Oceanic 6 have concocted, 8 people survive the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. This is according to the lies Jack spews while on the stand as a character witness in the people vs. Katherine Anne Austen. But as we know by Hugo's proclamation in the first episode of this season, only 6 are rescued, hence the "Oceanic Six!" I wonder who they claim survive, but bite it before the rescue?

2. The book that Locke brings Ben is "Valis" by Phillip K. Dick.

(Click Pic To Read The Wiki)

3. Jack really does love Kate, but she will not let him in because he doesn't want to see Aaron. I guess a lie can only go so far.

4. The helicopter carrying Sayid, Desmond, and Frank to the freighter has not yet arrived and it left the day before. If you watched the preview for next week you know that they get caught up in some sort of storm.

5. Kate's mom has been given 6 months to live multiple times over the last four years.

6. Jeff White posted a response in last week's post and pointed out that they are using the reflection of a city skyline for the islands reflection. I had not noticed that before. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

7. Kate lives in the "Poltergeist" house.

Not really, but it reminded me of the movie... "Cross over children! Go into the light!" I don't think I ate steak at all in 1982 after that bizarre scene.

8. Kate and Sawyer did not have sex in this episode.

9. Locke went from "ass" to "bad-ass" in this episode.

I just wanted to post this picture again.

...and now a few questions:

1. Why does Hugo wink?

Is it the old "if there's a sock on the door knob, don't come in" thing? Or is he worried about getting "Scooby-Doo'd" again. Jinkies, I really liked that line... Zoinks!

2. What sort of memory game were Daniel and Charlotte playing with the Dharma cards and why? Is Daniel losing his mind?

Did I miss anything important?

Sun and Jin show back up in this episode discussing where they want to raise their baby. Why the Albuquerque map though? Is there a hidden reference? Should they have taken a left turn? Or maybe that's it! The show has taken a left turn.

If the boat house starts to take on a life of it's own, I will refer to it as the "Quack Shack." It is a creepy building.

I think that is about it. I did want to include some updates on the season now that the writer's strike is over. They will produce only 5 more episodes after the first 8 making this a 13 episode season. There will be a production lag of about a month between episode 8 and episode 9. Perhaps they will re-run a few of the enhanced episodes during that time.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lost: Season 4, Episode 3 - "The Economist"

Sorry Dude? Sorry Dude!!!??? I was just starting to feel sorry for Stay Puft when it was unvield that he was part of Locke's trap.

I'm not sure why I started this weeks blog with Hurley tied up in the closet. I guess it was just bugging me. So we now know four of the Oceanic Six: Jack, Kate, Hugo, and now Sayid. We also know that Ben got off the island...

... but he can't be one of the six. This is just more evidence that he has always been able to come and go from the island and travel to both where and "WHEN" he wants to go; hence the cash and passports:

I can't really read the passport, but it looks like it's from Switzerland. So, Sayid works for Ben in the future huh? Perhaps they made their alliance over Locke's Iced Tea while incarcerated in the Others outpost. I wasn't completely sure it was Ben who was in the Flash Forward because it seemed to me he was doing his best John Malkovich impression while speaking. Anyone else notice that? The one thing we really don't know is when the Flash Forward is happening. It is sometime in the near future, but were they trying to throw us off with the ancient beeper? I had the same make and model in 1989.

At first I thought Sayid became/becomes a contract killer when he returned. That's kind of the way it was playing out when he off's Mr. Avellino on a golf course in the Seychelles.

FYI: (and a special thanks to wikipedia) The Seychelles are a nation of 155 islands in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa north of Madagascar. I will have to research more to see if these islands have any direct significance to the storyline.

Let's talk about Daniel's "payload." Oh wait... first let me bring up Minkowski (who we haven't met yet, but know that he was too busy to come to the sat phone in the last episode). The reason I bring up his name is because I caught some of last weeks episode "enhanced" this week. The lower third said that George Minkowski is an homage to Hermann Minkowski, a German mathmetician who introduced space-time. Here's a link to the wiki on space-time I'll let you read it because it makes my head hurt, and then I start to drewl. Back to the payload. Interesting how the clocks are off like Einsteins watch in Back To The Future.

There is about a 30 minute diffence between when the payload was to arrive and when it actually did. There is an interesting line in all of the space-time stuff from the link above that states, "the strength of intense gravitational fields which can slow the passage of time." Hmmmmmmm...

Daniel's experiement partner on the freighter is Regina. She is also the one who says Minkowski can't come to the phone. There has been some talk on some of the forums suggesting that perhaps Minkowski has either been killed or subdued by Ben's "man on the boat." Frank tells Daniel to hang up if Minkowski picks up the phone. I take it he wouldn't approve of the "payload" experiements, and I say experiements because it seems that Daniel has been conducting them back on the freighter as well. Regina with an "R." Could she be the RG on Naomi's bracelet?

"N, I'll always be with you, R.G."

And now that I have gotten to the bracelet, surely Sayid wouldn't have given the bracelet he took off of Naomi to Else, would he? Maybe she was wearing a similar one to show that she was working for the same people as Naomi... whoever they may be.

It probably contains some sort of tracker chip.

***uh oh... gotta run. Be back later with more***

Friday, February 8, 2008

Lost: Season 4, Epsiode 2 "Confirmed Dead"

This episode could have also been called "I Have A Man On Their Boat!" That was a bit of a shocking revelation. We all know that Ben has lived on the island a long time, but has he stayed put? Or has he been going to and fro by some other means be it boat or whatever sent the polar bear to a different place and obviously different time considering it was nearly fossilized with a Dharma/Hydra collar on. I'll come back to that. First I wanted to introduce some of our new cast, who were brought in faster than David Baldacci spits out characters in the first part of his books.

The " not-really-we're-just-after-Ben" Team:

Daniel Faraday - Physicist
Chalotte Lewis - Anthropologist
Frank Lapidus - drunk pilot
Miles Straum - referred to as a "ghostbuster;" he is some sort of spiritualist or medium.
Naomi Dorrit - she has already met her demize. She was team leader and protector.

...and the Charlie to these angles is Matthew Adaddan who we already met when he visited Hurley in the last episode (remember? creepy fake Oceanic lawyer?)

Did I get everyone? We still haven't met George Minkowski yet. He was way too busy to come to the sat phone... I wonder what he was doing? ( "I told you never to disturb me while I'm vacuuming my room!").

Let's back up a bit. Who do you think faked the Oceanic underwater discovey video? Mr. Adaddan seems pretty sure that there were no survivors of Flight 815, or do you think he was lying. Perhaps it could have been someone higher up the chain where he works. Or maybe it was Ben and Mikhail sending out some propaganda to keep people from snooping near the island. Frank calls BS and phones the number on the screen to tell 'em (BTW, anyone call the number yet? I hear it's a real number...well real in a sense that it has to do with the show). Frank is conveniently recruited to fly for the "rescue" team... hmmmmmmmm... Also, the wreckage on the video was said to be found in the Indian Ocean which is on the other side of Australia from where our Losties are supposed to be (cue Raiders of The Lost Ark sound byte: "There digging in the wrong place...").

Now that we have a ghostbuster on the island, does that mean that Jacob is totally f'd? Or will he finally have someone to commnicate with and through who understands more than a few words?

That is all my brain can handle right now. I'll return this weekend. I still need to get some screen caps from last weeks entry up.